Types of decorative wall panels: review of materials and types, recommendations for selection

Decorative wall panels are a stylish and effective solution for finishing walls in the house. With their help, you can create an original interior design, emphasize the style of the room, and realize even your most daring ideas.

One of the main advantages of wall panels is the ease of their installation. They are sold as ready-made modules that are attached to a vertical surface in one way or another.

The modern construction market offers a huge selection of decorative wall panel options. Models differ in the material they are made from, their shape and method of fastening. Let’s consider the design options in more detail.

Types of wall panels by material

By type of materials, wall panels can be artificial, natural, combined. Natural ones are represented by products made of solid wood, veneer, glass, metal, plaster, stone, etc. Artificial ones mean modules made of PVC or polyurethane. Combined ones include MDF, chipboard, laminated chipboard. Let’s talk about them in more detail.


Wood is definitely back in fashion. Interiors with wood motifs no longer look simple, the right color and texture bring a sense of coziness and comfort to the home.

Wooden panels can be placed on one of the walls in the living room, behind the headboard, in the children’s room near the play area. The modules have a varnish or other water- and dirt-resistant coating that is “not afraid” of increased importance, resistant to scratches, and they also look interesting and unusual. They go well with painted walls, but you should be more careful with wallpaper.

Another popular option for using wooden wall panels is installation near the work area in the kitchen. To do this, you need to choose models specially designed for use near water.

Wood is environmentally friendly, beautiful and practical. Veneer or solid wood can be used as raw material. We will tell you about artificial modifications of wood (chipboard, MDF) below.


Today, bamboo stems are used to make fibers for fabrics, create furniture and interior items. So why not use the material for decoration? The stems intertwined together form a uniquely beautiful, textured panel.

Such a panel is worthy of decorating a living room, bedroom, hallway or study. It goes well with wooden furniture and white walls. However, such a solution is not cheap. It is perfect for decorating an interior in eco-style.


Glass is traditionally attributed to the high-tech, modern and other styles where gloss and transparency are valued. They look impressive, especially in bathrooms, toilets, and hallways.

Glass does not necessarily have to be transparent; it can be painted in a contrasting color to the rest of the interior, made matte and textured using sandblasting.

Стеклянные панели далеко не хрупкие, способны пережить прямые несильные удары, устойчивы к влаге и перепадам температур. Подходят для установки на кухне, но не вблизи радиаторов отопления или плиты.


По функциональности схожи со стеклянными, также достаточно прочные и износостойкие, но в дополнение к этому имеют отражающие способности. Зеркальные панели часто монтируют в тех помещениях, где нужно визуально расширить пространство — небольших комнатах, узких коридорах, на площадке второго этажа и т. п.

Модули могут иметь разнообразную форму. Классический вариант — прямоугольные или квадратные панели, реже встречаются круглые, овальные или со сложной конфигурацией. Популярностью пользуются полотна, состоящие из раздробленных элементов, которые соединены в определенном порядке. Выглядят современно и немного футуристично.


Гипсовые стеновые панели красивые, экологичные, простые в монтаже. Продаются в готовом виде. Из нескольких модулей можно создать сплошное покрытие без стыков во всю стену, вне зависимости от ее ширины.

Гипс — пористый материал, который не задерживает воздух, обеспечивая минимальный воздухообмен между стеной, необходимый для предотвращения развития плесени. Гипс можно покрасить практически в любой цвет, материал ремонтопригоден, сколы и трещины можно заделать гипсовой массой так, что их будет практически не видно. Гипс экологичен, не выделяют вредных веществ.

С помощью гипса изготавливают 3D-панели. Чуть выступающие вперед декоративные элементы, создают объемный эффект. Но такой вариант лучше использовать в больших по площади помещениях, в маленьких 3D-модули будут «съедать» пространство.


Металл при отделке стен стоит использовать очень осторожно. Излишки железа могут «перетянуть» на себя все внимание, внести дисбаланс в интерьер. А вот отдельные локации, оформленные металлическими панелями, смотрятся эффектно и уместно в современных помещениях.

Обычно модули изготавливаются из деревянной или пластмассовой основы, на которую наносят специальную пленку с эффектом металлической поверхности. Панели могут быть плоскими и гладкими, иметь объемную или фактурную структуру.

Металлические стеновые модули хорошо вписываются в интерьер современных кухонь, неплохо смотрятся рядом с гостиными гарнитура. Благодаря особому блеску и небольшому проценту отражаемости изделия визуально расширяют пространство, наполняют его светом путем преломления солнечных лучей.


Камень — один из самых дорогостоящих материалов в отделке. Мрамор, оникс, гранит способны преобразить любое пространство, но такую роскошь смогут позволить себе единицы. Хорошо, что сегодня есть более доступные и не менее красивые материалы.

Панели из искусственного камня смотря ничуть не хуже, их расцветка не повторяется, а по прочности они не уступают керамограниту. Еще один вариант — каменный шпон. Это тонкий слой натурального камня, закрепленный на деревянной основе.

Stone panels on the entire wall in the living room immediately transfer the room to the major league. The room looks monumental and elegant, the decoration emphasizes the status and taste of the owner.

From MDF

MDF is a combined material. Its inner part consists of pressed wood-fiber chips, bonded with special resins. The outer coating consists of a laminating film or a layer of paint. The design can be different – colored, textured, decorative.

MDF panels are inexpensive and look presentable. They are easy to install, strong enough to “survive” impacts, exposure to moisture, ultraviolet radiation. They are covered with an antifungal agent that prevents the development of mold.

You can choose MDF panels to match other walls and furniture, or buy bright, contrasting models.

From chipboard

The cheapest option for finishing the walls of a house. The panels are cheap, sold in large sheets, which simplifies their installation. In the basic version, they look simple, but if you cover them with paint or varnish, they will acquire an interesting visual embodiment.

But there are also disadvantages – harmful substances are used in the production of chipboard, which can adversely affect a person’s condition. In addition, the elements are quite heavy and swell when exposed to water. So this finishing option is better suited for a summer house or utility rooms.


An original and not quite standard solution. Soft panels are made of dense fabrics, usually have minimal padding for stability. They look good behind a sofa or at the head of a bed.

Fabric modules help to hide wall defects, wiring, cables and other elements that do not harmonize with the interior, for example, joints from plasterboard. The main thing is to choose materials that do not attract dust and do not accumulate static electricity, and are easy to clean from any kind of dirt.

Soft panels also create a kind of safety buffer. Where they are located, it is impossible to accidentally hit your head, which is especially important if there are small children in the house.

Made of PVC

PVC panels are also inexpensive, completely inert to moisture and other types of contaminants. They are attached to walls using glue or liquid nails.

The panels are varied in color and design. There are models that imitate the surface of wood, natural stone, brickwork. The material is suitable for finishing walls in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, living room, as well as technical and utility rooms.


Polyurethane panels are very light and practical, do not absorb moisture and odors. Suitable for finishing not only the ceiling, but also the walls.

The material is dense, does not allow air to pass through, and may emit a slight odor that will fade over time. Despite all these shortcomings, the material is quite popular, especially if homeowners are on a budget. Polyurethane panels can be used as a temporary option.

Types of wall panels by shape

The structural design of the panels also plays a major role. The orientation and principle of fixing the modules on the wall will depend on this.

Rack and pinion

Consists of several slats. The material can be any – wood, metal, plastic, etc. Individual slats are attached to each other using a tongue and groove system or glue. In the first case, it is possible to better mask the holes between individual elements. Then the canvas is covered with a protective agent or decorative coating.

The slats are not always the same width and length, asymmetry can bring a special twist to the decor. Slatted panels allow you to “play” with the geometry of space, visually expand too small rooms, and increase the height of ceilings.


Classic type of wall panels. As a rule, they have a large area, which simplifies and speeds up the process of their fastening. Seams can be hidden with moldings or overhead panels.

Often there are sheet panels that imitate a wooden or stone base, brickwork. They are made of PVC, chipboard and other materials.


They are square in shape and are fastened together using a locking system. The slabs can be used to quickly decorate even large rooms.

When choosing decorative panels, you need to consider several factors at once. The key one is the purpose of the room. So, for a bathroom or kitchen, you will need materials with high resistance to moisture and temperature changes. For a living room, aesthetics and style are important, while in a bedroom, environmental friendliness is valued. You can easily choose an option that suits your budget and taste.